Aluphoenix Srl places the human being at the center of its organization, both current (internal employees and their personal development and satisfaction in the workplace) and future (the next generation). In this sense, the company‘s organization and activities aim to be sustainable, thus promoting a healthy natural, social and political environment of welcoming and enhancing specificity and diversity.
Environmental sustainability
The business activity of Aluphoenix Srl is subject to the European IPPC regulation, and is therefore authorised by a specific Integrated Environmental Authorization, where lay-out, processes, authorised waste codes and any other aspects relating to the impact of the business activity on the environment.
Aluphoenix Srl is authorized to operate on the basis of a specific Integrated Environmental Authorization, where lay-out, processes, authorized waste codes and any other aspect related to the impact of the business activity on the environment are mapped.
Environmental sustainability translates, in concrete terms, into a high awareness of the impact of their business activities on the environment.
The result of this awareness is the continuous search for best practices and the most effective technologies to enable the transformation of non-ferrous metal-based materials. Research that translates into environmental objectives and targets with regard to the reduction of greenhouse gases, the generation of waste, the consumption of electricity, the consumption of water resources and other environmental aspects, as reported in the corporate sustainability report.
The desire to manage the environmental impact of its internal processes, led the company from its early years of activity, to implement and activate a certified Business Quality Management System in accordance with the international Standard ISO 14001:2004, and subsequently ISO 14001:2015.
In 2022, following the growing interest of the global community and the reference markets regarding the sustainability and particularly decarbonisation, the Company began a development process with the purpose to determinate, manage and communicate the carbon footprint of its products.
The process reached the first important milestone in November 2023 with the development of the most innovative Carbon Footprint Calculation Tool (CFP) in the Production Industry of aluminium alloys in ingots. A Tool validated by SGS Italia Spa.
The CFP Tool, fully integrated with the business information systems, is based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and considers the principles contained in the technical reference standards ISO 14067, ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.
The independent third-party verification has attested that the CFP Tool correctly applies the algorithms described in the technical document of implementation and operation of the CFP Tool, for the calculation of the CFP indicator for the phase of raw materials extraction, supply chain and successive operations within the production plant, as well as for the distribution phase up to the customer.
The innovative Tool CFP of Aluphoenix Srl is applicable to all the produced alloys within the Riese Pio X (TV) plant, and provides results for each individual casting, allowing to issue specific CFP Summary Reports with the evidence of KgCO2e/Kg of each individual alloy.
Social and ethical sustainability
Social and ethical sustainability is reflected in the commitment to create an inclusive and stimulating work environment.
In this sense, Aluphoenix Srl has proceeded to:
- Draw up its own Code of Ethics,
- Develop specific internal social and ethical regulations and procedures,
- Certify its own organisation and management system according to the Performance Standard of ASI (Aluminium Stewardship Initiative),
- Create an Organizational Model in accordance with Legislative Decree 231:2011.
Internal rules and procedures
The internal rules and procedures for social and ethical sustainability, prepared, govern the different aspects of coexistence within the organization:
- Company Regulations in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the C.C.N.L.,
- Remedial procedure for child labour,
- Procedure on equality, diversity and gender equality,
ASI Certification
The ASI Performance Standard aims to support the development of a responsible and sustainable aluminium supply chain worldwide:
- Providing a common standard for the aluminium value chain on environmental, social and governance performance
- Determining requirements that can be independently verified to provide objective evidence for issuing ASI certification
- Strengthening and promoting consumer and stakeholder confidence in the aluminium sector and its products
For more information about the ASI Performance Standard of Aluphoenix Srl,
The company has prepared a contact form, to report to the internal contact ASI to Aluphoenix Srl, violations of the Code of Ethics or internal procedures and regulations.
Organisational Model 231
Aluphoenix Srl has chosen to develop and adopt in its organization, an Organizational Model relating to Leg. Dec. 231/2001 of 8/06/2001.
The Legislative Decree 231 governs the administrative liability of legal persons, companies and associations, even without legal personality, for acts dependent on crimes committed in the interest of the company itself. It therefore establishes a direct responsibility on the undertaking in addition to that of the individuals who committed the act.
The D.Lgs also states in art 6 and 7, that the company is not responsible for such crimes, in terms in which it has effectively implemented “models of organization, management and control, suitable to prevent the realization of the crimes considered”.
In this sense Aluphoenix Srl has defined an Organizational Model in which it has:
Identified the offences applicable to business activity,
Analysed and mapped the risks of specific criminal cases in which the organisation may incur,
Identified appropriate internal and external forms of monitoring and control of these risks,
Implemented specific procedures, able to manage risks, preventing the commission of illegal conduct in areas where the risk of crime is highest,
Considered the Corporate Code of Ethics, as an integral part of the Organisational Model, and the violation of its provisions as a disciplinary offence to be sanctioned.
Identified and appointed by resolution of the Board of Directors, a Supervisory Body (O. d. V) with the task of supervising the functioning, observance and updating of the Organizational Model.
To send reports to the O. d. V. in relation to the company’s activity, with reference to the performance of the work activity, working conditions and safety, respect for human rights, it is possible to fill in the “Reporting Form” and send it to the email account aluphoenix. segnalazioni@studio-231. it, located outside the domain and the company’s control, or send it by mail in a sealed envelope, with the words “personal reserved” and addressed to the Supervisory Body, to the office 231-Contrada S. Cro. 13 – CAP 25122 – Brescia
The O. d. V. has appointed a member outside the company as responsible for receiving classified electronic alerts, who will be the only one to know the identity of the whistleblower, if the alert is not anonymous, and to be bound by the confidentiality and secrecy of the alert. Without prejudice to reporting obligations to the judicial authority following the alert.
Reporting Form
Organisational Model
Economic sustainability and Governance
The economic sustainability of business activity is a fundamental prerequisite for its existence.
Aluphoenix Srl reports its results through the publication of annual reports at the chamber system, and of the targets reached in its House Organ “L’Eutettico”, which is annually published on the website in the section “News”.
Visit our page NEWS
The Corporate Governance structure of Aluphoenix Srl, as far as decision-making and control bodies is concerned, is of a traditional type, with the Shareholders’ Meeting and a Board of Directors.
From the point of view of the organizational chart, the developed Corporate Governance system seeks to transcend the concept of traditional top-down hierarchy, in order to apply and develop the concept of area of responsibility and individual leadership.
The organization chart has therefore been developed, also graphically, according to the systemic theory and sees areas of greater and lesser breadth of responsibility, emphasising interdependence and communication and feedback on the effects of individual activities within the organisation.
This model has been adopted since the beginning of 2022 and has helped to create an extremely positive and prolific business climate, with motivated employees who are passionate about their work, and oriented towards the sustainability of the entire organization.
Organization Chart according to communication lines